Wednesday, September 21, 2011

snack time

I'm an emotional eater. And a bored eater.
My favourite is getting some kind of treat and watching a show or movie that I like.

We went to Mexico at the end of August and you better believe I packed some treats. I had some lovely evenings sitting on my balcony munching on some Reese bites, Pringles and sipping on some diet Coke reading my book in the humid Mexican air.
Like the endless buffets didn't provide enough to eat.

After we got back from Mexico I broke up with my boyfriend and entered into an existence of unemployment. I really can't tell you how but even with the stress/debbie downer diet I haven't gained a pound.
All of it is probably lying in weight (har har) and is just going to explode onto my midsection.
The only excercise I really get is walking the dog, and I don't even do that everyday. So I try and run up the stairs. But it's scaring me when blowdrying my hair is starting to make my arms tired.
It's okay I'm getting better, I removed the package of mini Reese cups. I ate them and now they're gone.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My scale

This is going to be rambling, I need to start writing down my blog ideas when I get them instead of piling them up into a long ramble.
but today you're just going to have to DEAL WITH IT!!

Don't you hate when you use a scale constantly that you rely on, only to step on a scale somewhere else and realize that your's is actually 5 pounds off :S
Not fun.
But it is a little motivating.

I have some fancy new Nike's the bf got me for my birthday (I know right, thanks sweetie! I can take a hint) and a sweet pair of UnderArmour "compression pants" as the bf likes to call his. They're spandex. There's no sugar coating the fact that my macho, hockey playing, auto-mechanic boyfriend owns a pair of spandex pants.
But they're super comfortable and don't create a muffin top so I love them!

I had a friend tell me she hated me because I looked skinnier, and another who hadn't seen me in awhile asked if I lost weight. Things like that are AWESOME but also make me think "well hey since I've been doing nothing and apparently look good why change?"
Also brutal- there are TWO mcdonalds I have to try and avoid on my commute. As well as all the other tasty treats the peddlers at Union station hurl into my senses at 4pm when I make my way home. Most days I resist in pure fear that if I stop for a snack I'll miss my chance to be a leader of the pack on the shuffle to the platform. This would mean missing out on the prime seats and be stuck standing all the way to my stop, or missing the train all together.
But a couple times the lure of the dollar drink days lulls me into the crescent drive thru at the golden arches.
Truth be told as long as I stay skinnier than my sister I'll be pleased. But I need to actually try so I can be as hot as my musclebound bf on the beaches this summer!! ;)

Monday, May 2, 2011


Hokay, so.
I've started my internship in Toronto and have now added two 20 min power walks to my non-existant exercise routine.
I've been doing it for about 3 weeks now and can already see a difference in my legs!
I'm still riding the wave of weightloss from having the flu for a week, so although it's not flat, my stomach is protruding less.
I think that will be my new cleanse.
Every month I'll get the flu and just rid my body of toxins (everything I've eaten ever) lol KIDDING.
Like I could deal with illness like that all the time.
In fact I've been doing the opposite and actually had to special-order a pill holder that can hold my mass amounts of horse-size pills I now take daily.

OOP, my sister is waiting IMpatiently for me to go to the gym so she can whup my a$$.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Clearly there was a missing link between the "it's Christmas break" and "I have a boyfriend" posts.

Also quite obviously my last promise to blog and rip the gym for three weeks didn't happen. I was technically at the gym twice a week but that was to work. I was on the 6am to 2pm shift so when I was eventually clocked out all I wanted was a big mac and sleep.

Somehow though I managed to not gain 10 pounds and kept it at 3.
So easy to gain, so hard to get off.
My dear friend is back from her year in Australia though and she's a gym fanatic too. Maybe if I surround myself with gym freaks it'll rub off on me!
weightloss by association!

The Boyfriend Workout

Now both losers are in relationships!
I happened to pick a bodybuilder who has the appetite of a blue whale.
He also has the metabolism of a 10 year old.
So this relationship will be a challenge, not only because I'm a bit of a commitment-phobe but also because while he's mowing down a big mac (no sauce) and a bacon double cheeseburger, I'm going to be sitting right next to him consuming my own big mac and thinking a double cheeseburger or a 6er of nuggets is a swell idea.

I'm tempted to look up how many calories you burn having sex. I think it's a lot.

What spurred this was my trip to the gym the other night.
I trailed my gym-enthusiast boyfriend through a back workout and managed to make it through 2 exercises before bailing and doing legs.
Later on while flailing about on the treadmill I was harassing myself on being so out of shape again that 3 min of light jogging had me tired.
Then I realized this was not my first cardio of the night.
Or even my second if you catch my drift.

So with a new excuse to go to the gym and a fiery determination not to gain 15 love pounds in the mcdonalds drive thru I'm back on the bandwagon!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

'tis the season

Well, here it is.
Christmas time.
Parties with their potlucks. Chocolates being the only versatile gift the uncreative can think of. Eggnog eeevvveerrryyywwhheerreeee (damn you people who don't like it and can resist it's frothy goodness).
Why does Christmas have to taste so good?
No one wants to diet at Christmas and no one wants to workout in the winter.

I'm blaming my lack of physical fitness NOT on Christmas, but on finals. I had so much to do that between school and work I wanted nothing but big macs and sleep.
And what Kate wants, she gives herself. Over and over.
I had to take my car into the shop today and my first stop was to a public garbage can to deposit all my take out bags.
Now I have three weeks to rip it at the gym. I've lost 10 pounds since the summer and 30 pounds since moving back home.
(so that was 3 years ago, but it's better than putting more on!)

I'll weigh myself tomorrow and then let you know where we're at.
GOAL: workout and blog from now until I go back to school!

also, met a boy ;)

Monday, October 18, 2010

pasty,doughy mess

Friday did not happen.
But Licks and McDonalds did. More than I'd like to admit.
But I don't even have to admit to anything because the proof is sitting right above the waistband of my jeans. Spilling over and making itself visable through my shirt.

But that ended last night.
I'm insanely busy this week with midterms so I doubt I'll be making it to the gym, so I'm focusing on my diet. Moms and I went grocery shopping last night and I made sure to get some protein and leafy fibre so that I'll have good things to choose from. And drink enough water to drown myself.
Next week is reading week so I plan on living at the gym, aside from the days I'm not working.
And tanning, because it makes me look skinnier and less like a pasty doughy mess.