Thursday, June 24, 2010



okay well I ran then walked then sprinted and then almost passed out and finally walked home.
it's something better than lounging around thinking about working out.

After I peeled myself off the floor from under the fan (oh yea, running on a 30+ degree day with hummidity that makes it feel like you're drowning is a swell idea) I did some arms and abs.

Then after showering I went on a bike ride to the super market with my sister where I repeated my new mantra "skinny people don't eat _____ (insert junk food craving of choice)".
However this did not apply to the bottle of wild vines I bought and later consumed (alone).
Common, we all know those skinny bitches drink away their hunger pangs.

Unfortunately I can't go all gung-ho crash dieting right now since my amazing and gorgeous friend is getting married IN A WEEK.
I had my final dress fitting for my bridesmaid dress and it literally could not fit more perfectly. I have no room to expand without running the risk of extending the slit up the back of it.

after the wedding I'm going to try the P90X program since I'm too broke to afford a trainer. This way I've got something telling me what to do.
I think I'll put recordings of drill sergeants and arnold swagherwewerneggar onto my ipod so I have someone yelling at me to "MOVE MY PANSY LARD-ASS".

I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

the treat drawer

I'm stuck in a strange place.
In three weeks is my best friend's wedding where I am a bridesmaid and an MC.
The dress has been fitted and I can't afford to pay for the seams to be taken in, so while I would love to starve and sweat my ass off for the next 3 weeks to see what would happen, I'd rather it not cost me an extra $100 (btw the job hunt is more of a field trip).

I'm trying to be healthier though.
Fat has now accumulated on my face, and wiping sweat from neck rolls doesn't really scream SUMMER FUN.
Neither does the sweat on my upper lip and the sweat from front to back in the seat of my knickers.

But alas, my hands are conspiring with my tummy and I've managed to demolish a package of beer nuts.
280 calories for 1/3 cup.

The sad thing is that I don't have a job, I have a gym membership and a mother who was a fitness instructor. I have free time, enough free weights and workout dvds and equipment at home and a membership to a gym I could walk to.
I also have a dad who thinks I don't know the secret location of his treat drawer....